Appleton Parish Council has formally accepted and adopted the Neighbourhood Plan and it has been published for public consultation.
The consultation period runs for 6 weeks from Monday 22nd February 2016 to 5pm Monday 4th April 2016.
Hard copies of all Neighbourhood Plan consultation documents can be viewed at the following locations:
- Appleton thorn Village Hall
- St. Cross Church, Appleton Thorn
- Appleton Parish Hall
- Stockton Heath Library
- Warrington Library
The documents can also be viewed and downloaded from the Appleton Parish Council website. Relevant links are on the left hand side of the page – under ‘Latest News’.
A Representation Form has been made available for comments, but the Parish Council also welcomes comments by email or in writing.
Please submit all comments on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan by email to or by post to:
Mrs J Monks
Appleton Parish Council
Appleton Parish Hall
Dudlow Green Road
Next Steps
Following the public consultation process on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, the Plan will be amended and submitted to Warrington Borough Council together with supporting documentation, including the Consultation Statement setting out who haas been consulted, how the consultation has been undertaken and how the representations received have informed the Plan, and the Basic Conditions Statement.
Warrington Borough Council will then carry out a further 6 week consultation, before the Plan is subjected to an Examination by an Independent Examiner.
Once further amendments have been made the Plan will be subjected to local Referendum, and then ‘Made’ by the Borough Council and used to determine planning applications in Appleton parish Thorn Ward.
if you require any further information please contact the Parish Clerk at the address provided above.