Bloor Homes, “one of the largest privately owned house building groups in the UK” and owned by John Bloor, has gone on a PR offensive to win villagers over to the idea of them developing the field opposite the Appleton Thorn Village Hall.
They state that,
“Importantly for Appleton Thorn, the development would allow for the opening up of a currently inaccessible and underused area of greenspace in the village. The site is an area of open space within Appleton Thorn, but one which people cannot currently enjoy.”
Most villagers will have an opinion on this – some seeing the potential for the development of a children’s playground whilst others will see a field with crops growing in it, ‘inaccessible and underused’ as it may be, as a prized village amenity in its own right.
More news as it develops, but in the first instance villagers will be keen to know that Bloor Homes is holding a Public Consultation Event at Appleton Parish Hall, between 2:00pm and 7:00pm on Monday 16th June – that’s this Monday at the time of writing.
Please note that this is the Appleton PARISH Hall and not the Appleton Thorn Village Hall, opposite the proceed development site. The Parish Hall is down on Dudlows Green Road (WA4 5EQ for those using SatNav!) next to the Co-op Store.
A Facebook . . .
– has already attracted many comments.
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Dear all,
It would be a great tragedy if the field in the heart of Appleton Thorn is developed upon with further housing. This field is the green lung of the village and gives Appleton Thorn it’s identity and character. Loose this and the village will become one big housing estate. Don’t be fooled by the ‘sugar coated’ benefits a development would bring. Yes some green space would be retained but it would be insignificant next to the development. As it is this green space balances out the wider development the village has seen in recent years.
A far better option would be for it to become ‘Common Land’ and made accessible for the community. It could then have a cricket green, village pond, kick about area, well designed nature play area (i.e . Not plastic and multi coloured metal) and various other features that would enhance the village.
May I suggest you all look at Godstone in Surrey, you’ll see how this village is not too dissimilar to Appleton Thorn and you’ll also see the huge value and asset their Village Green adds to the village, both aesthetically, ecologically and functionally.
Kind regards, Adam White FLI
(Fellow of the Royal Chartered Landscape Institute) and born and bred member of the Appleton Thorn community.
totally agree with you Adam. How would you design the 6.5 acres if it was green space?
Objections to a Blood Homes development in Kelsall.'sobjectionstobloorhomes.pdf